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“There is no single more powerful force in this world than believing in yourself. More than any other factor, believing in yourself is the thing that is going to help you to achieve the things that you want to achieve. It’s literally ridiculous how true that is. Plainly put, if you believe that you can do something, then you can. Belief changes reality.”




Inner Coach

Learning to focus on what works, you know you and can.

Creating space between stimulus and response is all how you program your mindset. If you really care about your goals you’ll focus on the systems that make them possible.

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit” - Will Durant

Inner Coach Resources

Step 1: Watch the video

Step 2: Practice the tools: Know your Number & Box Breathing

Step 3: Use the worksheet to strengthen your practice

Inner Coach Video

Tool: Know Your Number

Learn how to work with your nervous system, use your physiology to your advantage.

The basic task of our nervous system is to respond or react to what’s going on in our environment. Does the body need to prep for fight/flight or relaxation?

At any given time in the day, you are on a scale of 1-10. Investigating our response to situations is a powerful way to understand what you need in real-time, in that moment.

So how can we practice Know Your Number? Being in the present moment is the only way to Know Your Number.

Feeling really stressed? Number it.

Chilling on the sofa watching a show? Number it.

Having fun with some friends? Number it. Frustrated with someone? Number it.

You get the idea right? If we can Know Our Number in any event it’s giving us feedback on how to use that number to our advantage. You don’t want to be at a 2 if you're about to race, that’s too mellow, you need some activation, some stress to perform.

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Tool: The Box Breath

This tool helps you connect with your breathing and get in control of your thinking mind. Check out the video below for guidance on how to use this tool!

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Practice Worksheet 1

Use this worksheet as a guide to connect with the coach inside of you!

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Practice Worksheet 2

This worksheet will support you as you turn your daily and weekly goals into habits.


Additional Resources

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Podcast Episodes
  • Huberman Lab - How to increase Motivation & Drive

  • The Bomb Hole - James Jackson Red Bull Performance Mindset Coach - not for young kids

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