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“Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a stepping stone to success”

The cornerstone of mental toughness. Optimism, seeing the possibilities, not just the obstacles.

When things don’t go the way we had ‘planned’ we need the flexibility to bounce back and move on.



Theory of Agency - Dr Albert Bandura


1. Project yourself into the future to have something to work towards.

2. Self-regulation, the extent you can regulate your thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

3. Self-reflection, to what extent can you judge your capabilities


Failing Forward into New Possibilities

Winners look at failures as lessons and opportunities to make themselves better. they don’t run away ashamed of their mistakes. They recall, analyze and learn from them.

You are never a failure. Not one has the right to call you that, no even you.

Not when you are still trying.

Awareness Resources

Step 1: Watch the video

Step 2: Practice the tool: Expand Your Vision

Step 3: Use the worksheet to strengthen your practice

Optimism Video
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Tool: Expand Your Vision

Use your vision to expanded everything you are seeing. Doing this sends a signal to your nervous system that you are safe.

Scan your field of vision, really look at the details of your environment.

Scan to know. Train to explore.


Three Cool Things

Can you find three cool/ amazing things each day? Right before you fall asleep simply scan your day for three things that maybe made you smile or you thought were cool. Your already thinking so why not use the time to training that optimism muscle.

Oh and the next level of training is to write them down.

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Practice Worksheet

Use this worksheet as a guide to identify positivity in your life and in your sport.


Additional Resources

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Podcast Episodes
  • Finding Mastery - Travis Pastrana

  • 10% Happier - How emotions are made

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