“Krista Haskell creates MAGIC for every child, parent, and staff member as she makes profound and meaningful connections with casual, friendly, disarming communication strategies.”
-Patty Elliot, Principal at Neil Cummins Elementary
Read More“Krista Haskell creates MAGIC for every child, parent, and staff member as she makes profound and meaningful connections with casual, friendly, disarming communication strategies.”
-Patty Elliot, Principal at Neil Cummins Elementary
Read More“Miss Krista gives us language to have meaningful conversations when emotions like frustration and excitement get in the way of school work. We love Miss Krista!”
- Elementary Teacher
Read More“When Miss Krista walks through the door, a calm settles over the whole class. They know that this sacred mindfulness lesson is an opportunity to turn their focus inward and decipher their growing brains and bodies. Miss Krista helps them see every emotion, every reaction, as an opportunity to notice and grow as a small human.”
- Stephanie Fletcher, Elementary Teacher
Read More“The lessons have helped me because whenever I get mad at my sister I remember to be calm and take some breaths.”
- Student, 4th Grade
Read More“Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep at night and the mindfulness strategies really help me.”
-Student, 4th Grade
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